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Entries in Sonos (4)


Podcast #840: Real Life OLED Burn In Test

Walking through a large electronics store the other day something caught our eye on one of their OLED display televisions. While you’d like to hope it was the vivid, realistic images on screen, it wasn’t. It was the obvious burn-in. And it was bad. You could clearly see a shadow of the bottom logo bar / ticker from content they must use regularly peeking through what would have otherwise been a stellar video presentation. The burn-in scare was one of the factors that ultimately led to the demise of plasma televisions. Will burn-in be the demise of OLED?

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Podcast #813: Whole House Audio, Z-Wave and Smart Speakers

Use the freedom and flexibility of any Bluetooth speaker(s) to create your own, DIY multi-zone audio system. Z-Wave is making installation easier with SmartStart - this may just be the year of home automation. If not, it certainly is the year of the smart speaker, and for some reason October was the month of the big reveal.

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Podcast #639: Sonos Playbar and Sub Review

We’ve reviewed multiple soundbars in the past, from a wide variety of companies, but we’ve never reviewed a Playbar. What is the difference between a soundbar and the Playbar by Sonos? Quite a bit as it turns out. Knowing Sonos we expected big things, and we weren’t disappointed in the slightest. The Playbar sells for $699 and the optional Sub for an additional $699.

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Podcast #611: What we are Thankful for 2013

Thanksgiving is a time to, well, to give thanks.  So that's what we're going to do; give thanks for everything we have in our lives.  The things we're most thankful for: our families, our health, our friends, and our wonderful listeners, don't make good topics for a show about HDTV and Home Theater. So as is tradition over the last few Thanksgivings, on today's show we give you our list of consumer electronics things we are thankful for.

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