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Podcast #1162: HDTV Stress Test Key Findings

On this week’s show DJ Briggs (Bright Side Home Theater) joins me while Braden is taking the month off. We discuss the Key Findings from the RTINGS.COM HDTV Stress Test and we read your emails and take a look at the week’s news.

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Key Findings From Running 100 TVs for Over 10,000 Hours RTINGS.COM

We have been following RTINGS.COM’s accelerated longevity test on 100 TVs pretty much from the beginning. They started this experiment back in October 2022. They have some key findings out which led them to conclude that thin LCD TVs break faster under prolonged use.  They concluded:

The goal of's ongoing 100 TV longevity test is to push TVs to the limits of their durability to examine failure points as they happen. One clear trend we've observed and investigated is that thin, edge-lit LCD TVs fail prematurely compared to LCD TVs with other backlighting technology.

The results of this investigation are unequivocal: edge-lit TVs are inherently prone to significant durability issues, including warped reflector sheets, cracked light guide plates, and burnt-out LEDs due to concentrated heat. These problems manifest after prolonged use at maximum brightness, posing a significant risk to their long-term reliability.

This analysis, corroborated by real-world observations, highlights a crucial consideration for  consumers and the industry. As manufacturers continue to push for thinner designs, addressing these durability concerns is imperative to ensure consumer satisfaction and    trust. For consumers in the market for an LCD TV to whom the durability of their purchase is important, we recommend prioritizing models with better heat distribution, such as direct-lit or FALD TVs, for improved longevity and performance.

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