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We read an article on the new Home Theater release window timing and thought it would be fun to get our listener/reader's take on the subject with a quick poll.
If there's a movie in the theaters that I want to see and the ticket price is $8.99, I go! Don't even think about it.
If there were a VOD service that ran 1st Run movies (either at the same time they were still in theaters or up to 45 days later - 60 days is too late - ) I'd pay $8.99 for that rental.
If there's a movie that I want to own on disc (Blu-ray disc, of course, Standard Def is DEAD to me!), $8.99 is the price thta makes it an impulse buy for me. I DREAM of the day when $8.99 is just the standard price across ALL Blu-ray discs. Just imagine: walk into any retail store and EVERY Blu-ray movie on the shelf is $8.99 or less! I wouldn't even hesitate to pick up any movie that I wanted to own.
I can even work out the math if I were to do a Rent-Rip-Return scheme. For me, the disc rental service would be, and with them, I would essentially be paying $2.50 for each disc rental. Then there is the cost of Hard Drive space. 2TB Hard Drives go for about $100 these days - maybe $120 for a more reliable brand. Each Blu-ray averages about 35-40 GB, so you wind up being able to fit about 50-55 discs on each 2TB Hard Drive. Round things out at it costs about $2.25 in Hard Drive cost for each BD disc, so we're at about $5.75 per disc. The better Blu-ray Disc Backup Software solutions cost money - generally about $50 per year. If you Rent-Rip-Returned 10-12 discs a month, the software cost would be about $0.35 per disc.
So add it all up and doing the whole Rent-Rip-Return thing winds up costing somewhere around $6 per disc. So fine, you can still save some money that way. But there's all the hassle of ripping the discs, managing all those 2TB Hard Drives, maybe building a NAS server so you can always have easy access to them - in other words, there are still other costs involved that start to push the cost of a Rent-Rip-Return scheme pretty close to my $8.99 magical number! Just price the retail, physical discs at $8.99 and it even makes Rent-Rip-Return look a lost less convenient and appealing.
Path of least resistance, folks. $8.99. That's what a movie is worth to me.
I like going to the theater to see movies. We have a relatively new theater that is clean and convenient. It's closer to my house than the nearest REdBox. VOD would only be an option if it was a family movie the five of us could watch for less than going to the theater. We don't get a lot of food at the theater and try to go during the matinee showings to save money. $60 for VOD is way too much. Maybe $30-40.
If it's a movie I really want to see, like Transformers 3, I'll always go to the theater. The experience for me is better than watching at home on my 46" Samsung.
Reader Comments (2)
That's my magic number.
If there's a movie in the theaters that I want to see and the ticket price is $8.99, I go! Don't even think about it.
If there were a VOD service that ran 1st Run movies (either at the same time they were still in theaters or up to 45 days later - 60 days is too late - ) I'd pay $8.99 for that rental.
If there's a movie that I want to own on disc (Blu-ray disc, of course, Standard Def is DEAD to me!), $8.99 is the price thta makes it an impulse buy for me. I DREAM of the day when $8.99 is just the standard price across ALL Blu-ray discs. Just imagine: walk into any retail store and EVERY Blu-ray movie on the shelf is $8.99 or less! I wouldn't even hesitate to pick up any movie that I wanted to own.
I can even work out the math if I were to do a Rent-Rip-Return scheme. For me, the disc rental service would be, and with them, I would essentially be paying $2.50 for each disc rental. Then there is the cost of Hard Drive space. 2TB Hard Drives go for about $100 these days - maybe $120 for a more reliable brand. Each Blu-ray averages about 35-40 GB, so you wind up being able to fit about 50-55 discs on each 2TB Hard Drive. Round things out at it costs about $2.25 in Hard Drive cost for each BD disc, so we're at about $5.75 per disc. The better Blu-ray Disc Backup Software solutions cost money - generally about $50 per year. If you Rent-Rip-Returned 10-12 discs a month, the software cost would be about $0.35 per disc.
So add it all up and doing the whole Rent-Rip-Return thing winds up costing somewhere around $6 per disc. So fine, you can still save some money that way. But there's all the hassle of ripping the discs, managing all those 2TB Hard Drives, maybe building a NAS server so you can always have easy access to them - in other words, there are still other costs involved that start to push the cost of a Rent-Rip-Return scheme pretty close to my $8.99 magical number! Just price the retail, physical discs at $8.99 and it even makes Rent-Rip-Return look a lost less convenient and appealing.
Path of least resistance, folks. $8.99. That's what a movie is worth to me.
I like going to the theater to see movies. We have a relatively new theater that is clean and convenient. It's closer to my house than the nearest REdBox. VOD would only be an option if it was a family movie the five of us could watch for less than going to the theater. We don't get a lot of food at the theater and try to go during the matinee showings to save money. $60 for VOD is way too much. Maybe $30-40.
If it's a movie I really want to see, like Transformers 3, I'll always go to the theater. The experience for me is better than watching at home on my 46" Samsung.